"UTAP into your Talent!
UTAP into your Gift!"
Our mission:
To Uplift and Educate through the Arts!

UTAP Acting
Ever thought about being an actor? Maybe you have and just haven't put it into action! Whether you want to act as a professional, fun or make an extra income on the side, this intense curriculum will cover all genres of acting in TV, Film, Theatre and Commercials! Yes! You can do it! And week by week UTAP will show you how!

UTAP Public Speaking
Approximately 75% of the poplulation fear Public Speaking! Are you afraid of speaking in public? Do you want to improve your skills speaking to a live audience and on camera? According to Forbes magazine the number one fear is public speaking. You are not alone! Here's a tip: Knowing what you want to say is half the battle! Join UTAP today and let's conquer it!

UTAP After School, Residencies and Summer Camp Workshops
UTAP has a Fun-filled curriculum designed to Uplift and Educate through the arts! Lessons with memorization techniques can help improve study skills. Other benefits of a UTAP After-school workshop includes Improving communication and fluency, promote cooperative learning and social interaction, provide practice for real-life experiences, creativity and self expression, promotes reading through dramatic material, and overall public speaking skills!

UTAP Life Coaching
Are you ready to excel to the next level? You’ve been trying to figure it out on your own and I’m here to help you manage action steps to GO FOR IT! We know what we want, however procrastination gets the best of us and we feel stuck! I enjoy helping people to tap into their inner potential and identify their purpose that will drive them to continuous success! You are already successful... however there is always: The Next Level! What is your current goal? Having a coach to work with you 1 on 1 to assist you in managing the action steps is key! I have a strong desire to see people do well and excel in their personal GOAL. Let’s get to work and start producing results today!
Book a Consultation!

UTAP Acting and Public Speaking participants

UTAP Closing Recital Showcase

UTAP Acting and Public Speaking participants